Thursday, July 25, 2019

Trying to keep up with God

What an incredible summer this has been!!  In the last month we spent a week in Haiti, three weeks with our kids and grandkids, including time in WI, and at Cran-Hill Ranch.  I'm exhausted, but so very thankful!  In the midst of all the good times there was the awareness that there are so many struggles in this world, including a family member struggling with an illness, and a friend of our youngest son dying of leukemia. We are also aware that we live in a lost and broken world, but it is so loved by God, and we need to find our role in being the presence of God bringing hope and healing. 

Like I said, I'm exhausted!  But thankful!  As I write this I am reminded of all our Haitian friends who pledge their love and prayers for us.  Like most trips we met with the elderly of the village of Neply.  Men and women who have lived all of their lives in a country of incredible needs and faith.  Seems an odd combination, but it is real. 

We met and shared a Scripture passage with them. We sang Amazing Grace, and they sang along in Creole. We broke into pairs and prayed for each one of them, and I asked them to pray for us.  In unison they responded, "We pray for you every day.  We pray much, much, much!!"  It is so humbling!  When I fear, they are praying for me.  When I am discouraged, they are praying for me.  When I recognize the blessings God has bestowed, they are praying for me. 

Even as we are enjoying our families this summer I ask that you send up a prayer for these dear saints.  Pray for them, and for their community and country.  They are afraid for their country and economy.  Cost of food keeps rising, as do the costs for everything.  They literally live day to day, praying for the resources to keep their families alive. 

The Haitian community knows and understands the covenant promise that as God's people we are "blessed to be a blessing."  Please join us in the flow of God's blessings!!