Thursday, January 2, 2014

Living in the Room

LIVE IN THE ROOM in which you find yourself.  This simple phrase is one I heard a couple of months ago.  At first it reminded me of the much used phrase, "Bloom where you are planted."  Now that phrase takes me back to colorful hippy posters in the 60/70's.

But this phrase, "Live in the Room in which you find yourself" has been growing on me.  In part, it speaks to my sense of not being planted anywhere.  What with Al doing transitional/interim pastoral work which means we are never sure what the next 6 months will bring, and my totally transitional work with Midlife Momentum we are never quite sure where the next room will be.

Added to this lifestyle I was introduced to this phrase in Australia, a place I love to be, yet I'm not planted there, but I spent all of November in that room.  I volunteered at Lilah's school, getting to know the teachers and her little friends. I helped Cory and Elisa with some projects they wanted to get done before #3 shows up in February, and spent as much time as I could drinking in the wisdom of 2 year old Luka.  I continued to build relationships with wonderful friends as we all grow in our understanding of living into God's plans and purposes for us---His Church.

Most of December was spent in German Valley, IL.  Talk about a contrast!  Small town, rural congregation, full of salt of the earth warm and wonderful people...okay there might be a couple "ornery" people, like you and like I.  God bless all of us.

The phrase has come to my mind over and over again lately...when I'm missing somebody, or wishing I could be more connected with some cause or organization.  When my heart was longing to be with family, or a friend.  It was like the Spirit would whisper, "Live in this room today.  This is where you are, this is where I AM."  It would reorient me back out of my pity party to see what God is up to in this room.

Each room has blessings and struggles.  Each room teaches me something wise and wonderful.  Each room is filled with the presence of God.  Each room has people who bless and challenge me, and God seems to put me in all these different places at this time in my life...for a purpose.

I think I am sensing a paraphrase of what Paul states in Phil. 4:11.  It goes like this...In whatever room I find myself, there I will be content.  Even as I write this I struggle a bit with that surrender.  What if I don't like the next room?  What if there are things in that room I didn't sign up for?  The rooms I am in right now are all pretty good, Thank you, Lord! 

On the other hand...He who has been faithful throughout my life, will be right there in the room with me.


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