Saturday, February 22, 2014

Responding to Haitian Hearts

As I have mentioned to some of you recently, God is turning our hearts back to Haiti.

In 2001 Al, Caleb and I spent 8 months living in Haiti, realizing we would never be the same. I remember worshiping with a group of people in a backyard in Neply and thinking, “I can't believe I have the privilege of being here, in this place, with these people, worshiping God.

Since we left we have maintained contact with our friend TiCarme, but we haven't been back. (There was a lot of pain in the leaving.) But it is time...not to go back to live, but it is time to partner with our Haitian friends.

Ticarme has a passion (heart) to help the young men and women who are no longer able to continue their education. Many of them are in 10th, 11th or 12th grade but have lost their sponsors, or there has been a death or illness in the family, etc. Some have no family, but all of them want to finish high school. They know it is crucial for them to get an education for any hope of working and making a living.

Ticarme is starting a mission!! She wants to provide scholarships to enable the students to finish High School. “Help the Children Have an Education” is her rallying cry. She wants to help them be part of a group that cares for her community, tutoring younger students, reaching out to others. She wants them to be able to earn their scholarships and not just see it as another handout from Americans.

We will also be working through Pastor Antoine, a pastor in Neply, who responded with excitement when he heard TiCarme's vision because he knows the young men and women in his congregation who are “stuck,” so close to completing their education.

Our part will be:
  • To communicate to the students that we believe in them, and God at work through them.
  • To communicate how God is at work in Haiti and in the students.
  • To raise the funds for the scholarships.
  • To encourage TiCarme and her board.

Stay tuned...and
May the Spirit guide!!

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