Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Luka Wanted Me

Last Thursday night Cory called to see if we could Skype.  In the background I could here Luka say, in a whiny voice, "Grandma...grandma."  Cor explained that Luka had a cold and didn't feel well, and when he saw Cory on the computer he started calling for me.  Did I have time?

Well, on top of it all, this was the first time Luka, who is not quite 2, was able to say "grandma" without prompting.  My heart was all aflutter...Luka didn't feel good and he wanted me, from half way around the world!  So we skyped, of course.  I talked to him a little and began asking him what he was going to do that day.  I asked him about toys that were behind him, which I could see.  He showed me and began playing with them.  He had a train track he was putting together, and every once in a while he would show me something.  The whining stopped as he got engaged in his playing.  I told him I was going to say goodbye, so he ran up close to the computer and I gave him my Michigan to Australia blessing and we blew kisses.

As I pondered this "grandma moment" it seemed to me that this is a pretty good picture of prayer.  Cory's call came at the unexpected time and day, with a whiny cry on the other end.  We usually skype early on their Saturday morning, but Luka wasn't feeling good and wanted me on Friday.  He was whiny, needed comfort, and wanted to see my face and hear my voice.  Once he was comforted a bit he got back to life, to his work of playing, but he knew I was watching and would stop every once in a while and show me what he was up to.

Sometimes I whine when I come to my Father in prayer.  I don't feel good, or things are out of sorts.  Maybe life isn't happening the way I had planned, or someone hasn't treated me the way I had hoped.  Who knows what's causing the dis-ease?  And so there are times I come to God needing a little comfort, assurance of God's love and presence, even when I can't touch him.  David, in the Psalms, assures us over and over again that He hears my pleas, and listens to my cries for help.  He, in fact, is very willing to get those whiny calls so he can comfort and encourage us to get back to living, back to work, back to being and doing and listening and loving, all the while knowing His presence.

Abba, Abba, I want you!


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