Monday, May 26, 2014

Flotsam Part 2: Barrage

As I was writing about my "Flotsam" post I actually whispered to myself, "That was a barrage of flotsam.  And, yes, is was a bombardment of flotsam that just wiped me out, until I sat down with God and allowed God to help me deal with it.

As I looked up official definitions in preparation for that blog I decided I would also look up barrage, though I was confident I "knew" the right definition.  And sure enough it was the first definition:  a bombardment, as with military weapons.  Or, as in "The politician received a bombardment/barrage of calls."

It was the third definition that really made me think.  Barrage:  An artificial obstruction such as a dam or irrigation channel built in a watercourse to increase its depth or divert its flow.

Someone/something was trying to build a dam in the middle of my river of life to divert the flow!  All that flotsam, left untended would work to get me off course, out of the flow of the Spirit.  In part I was allowing my own ego to do the work.  On the other hand the Evil One is in direct opposition to the building of God's kingdom, and I believe that anytime he can use our own thoughts and insecurities he is very glad to do that.

My river of life is destined and created by God.  I do not want any principality or power to divert my stream from its intended destination or purpose.

When this begins to happen I return to II Corinthians 10:5.  We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought captive to obey Christ.  It may be taken out of context.  I haven't really done a thorough study of this passage, but when I read it I am reminded that Christ is also guardian of my mind.  That my thoughts as well as actions and words needed to be in submission to Him.

Don't let the flotsam of your life muddy the waters or divert your stream!!

Next time I promise, I'll return to a story, rather than preaching :)

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