Saturday, May 3, 2014

My Friend Lydia

Tomorrow I get to preach on Lydia.  You can find her story in Acts 16.  Over the last couple of years she has become a friend who coaches me every time I read her story.  Go on, read her story, and as you read it think about what you would like to ask Lydia if she was having coffee with you.

I am so blessed by this lady.  She is bold and courageous, and open to what the Spirit of God is doing in her.

So what do we know about Lydia?  She is a gentile widow.  She is a seller of purple, a successful business woman with considerable means and contacts.

Scripture tells us she is a God-fearer, which means:
1.  She believes in the God of the Jews, but is not fully committed to the Jewish faith.
2.  She upholds the 10 commandments, but not all of the Levitical laws.
3.  She would not be circumcised if she were a male.
4.  God-fearers were often known for giving alms and supporting Jewish communities in Roman cities.  They were really good people.
They were known by Jews as being, "People at the Gates."  People close, but not quite...

So we find Lydia praying with the Jewish women when Paul comes to Philippi.  She LISTENS and God OPENS her heart.

God had PREPARED Lydia.  When she heard the Good News she was ready.  Her life had prepared her for what God knew was coming next.

God had also POSITIONED Lydia.  She had connections with the Jewish community, but she also had contact with the wealthy and powerful in the city, because only they could afford her products.  She had the resources for her home to become the gathering place for the Body.

God PROMPTS Lydia.
Immediately she challenges Paul and his team with an invitation to stay with her, if they believe she belongs to the Lord.  "She persuades them."  She steps into the role that God has prepared and positioned her for.

God has given Lydia a PASSION.  Now Lydia is fully committed to God.  She is ready to fully enter the possibilities God provides.  She is willing to risk her safety, her business, her comfort, her money, her time.  It all beongs to God now.  Wow!

She doesn't make excuses, "Surely Paul will want to stay with someone who is Jewish.  Surely someone else is more capable of providing for the team.  What if my clients cut me off?  What if I get thrown in prison?  What if???"

She is bold and courageous, prepared, positioned, prompted, and passionate.

SOOOO,  What has God prepared me for?  What has God positioned me for?  What has God prompted me to do?  Will I listen?  Will I act?  What passion has God placed on my heart?  Will I act on it, or make excuses for staying in my Comfort Zone?

Another thought... am I fully committed, or am I still a "person at the gate?"  Or, who do I know that is a person at the gate and I could be a light, a voice, a love-bringer, to help them move more fully into the fellowship of Jesus-followers?

I love this woman!!  So what would you like to ask Lydia if you were having that cup of coffee with her?

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