Wednesday, June 4, 2014


My friend Gerri Buteyn is an amazing artist, specializing in the ordinary things in life, especially sparrows.  One of her paintings is or several sparrows splashing around in her birdbath...splish splash!

Most of us have watched children play in a kiddie-pool in the backyard.  We have a great picture of Caleb occupying most of the space in Lilah and Lika's little pool.  Delighted smiles as they play in 6 inches of water with Uncle Caleb...splish splash!

The last time we were in Australia and went to the beach Luka was 2 1/2.  His smile was huge as he darted in and out on the edge of the waves calling out, "I'm swimming in the ocean!  I'm swimming in the ocean!"  A big wave sneaked up and knocked him over.  Daddy scooped him up.  The next couple of dashes were a little more tentative, but soon he was back at it, full on!  Water can get you, but Daddy is here.

I'm thinking about my relationship to all things spiritual:  my intimacy with God, my relationships with fellow journiers, my impact on the community and world, my care of creation, my prayer life, my obedience to the Spirit, my love and care for me, this temple of the Holy Spirit, my love for all God calls me to love! (I guess that means all of life...hmmm)

I wonder if I am settling for birdbath faith.  Enough water when I'm hot and dry.  It's fun to splash around in community with friends on occasion.  A nice, safe foot in the water of faith.

Or, is a kiddie-pool faith enough to satisfy, not my desires, but the desires God has for me, and all God's people.  Does God want us to do more than sit in a pool that doesn't allow us to stretch our spiritual legs, dive into the lifegiving water...just enough water to cool us off when we are hot and dry, but...

What does life look like when we run into the waves of the ocean of God's callings and blessings, and challenges, and world.  I feel challenged to drink deeply of the life-giving dive deeply into the life God calls me to live.  Birdbathes are fine for the sparrows, but God has greater challenges before us!  We'll need the oceans of His love available for us.  Happy Summer!!  

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